Thursday, September 25, 2008

Freud's theory on...Art?

Freud has been revered for a very long time as a highly influential member of the psychological, and therefore the artistic and philosophical, worlds. However influential he may have been, and whatever doors he may have opened to others who followed him, Freud’s theories are generally regarded as oversimplified and generally groundless. With the exception of his breakdown of the psyche into the Id, Superego, and Ego, most of Freud’s principles have been outright disproved or attributed solely to the fact that he did enough cocaine to numb a small herd of elephants and had more issues than most of his case studies.
With that said. He oversimplified art and did what he usually did with all his other studies: tried to make it fit into his model with rational sounding, but insubstantial evidence.

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